Fantastic Plastic: Should I Choose A Concrete Or Polypropylene Soakwell?

4 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Incorporating soakwells into a home or farm's drainage system is an excellent way to regulate the drainage of stormwater away from your property. These subterranean tanks collect excess water and allow it seep slowly back into the surrounding soil, preventing soil waterlogging and excessive water run-off which can potentially lead to expensive fines and legal troubles. Despite their effectiveness, these devices are remarkably simple, and you do not have many difficult decisions to make when choosing a soakwell beyond size and capacity. Read More 

5 Clever Applications Of Clean Fill You Should Make Use Of In The Garden

12 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Have you heard of 'clean fill'? It is excavated earth that has been screened to remove impurities such as rubbish and organic matter. If you have a garden, you can make great use clean fill in a number of ways. Read on to see what these applications are. Filling sunken spots on your garden Not all gardens have the fortune of being flat. If you're just setting up your garden, you may realize that it has sunken areas here and there. Read More